It’s usually best to start quilting with no more than 20 inches of thread in the needle. Longer lengths make the thread more likely to become twisted or unruly at some point during the quilting process. Many quilters like to load several needles with thread before beginning so they can just grab a new duo when the first length runs out.

Hand Quilting Needles

Hand quilting with specific needles, also called betweens, involve short, very sturdy hand sewing needles that don’t typically bend or break. Choose a size that’s comfortable for you, and explore different brands—some have larger eyes than others and are easier to thread. It’s much easier to thread betweens with a needle threader, but some threaders are too bulky for hand sewing needles. Look for devices that mention the ability to load thread into small eyes. The tiniest betweens are size 12, and many expert quilters feel they help produce the smallest stitches, but start with a size that is comfortable to work with. If a needle is difficult to handle, your stitches might suffer. Tiny stitches aren’t nearly as important as the consistently-spaced stitches you’ll achieve when a needle feels “right.”

How to Start a Line of Hand Quilting Stitches

Start a line of hand quilting stitches in the following way:

How to End a Line of Hand Quilting Stitches

End a line of hand quilting stitches in a similar way. Some quilters end a line of quilting by bringing the needle up through a seam line, taking a few backstitches into the middle of the seam (where they won’t be noticed) to secure the thread. There are many variations of quilting start and stop instructions, and you’ll discover your own best methods as you practice hand quilting skills.