Players: 2 players Deck: Use a standard 52-card deck: An Ace is always the low card in Oklahoma Gin; it cannot be used as a high card. Also, face cards are worth 10 points each; number cards are worth their face value; an Ace is worth one point. Goal: Collect sets (three or four of a kind, or three or more consecutive cards of the same suit) to earn points. The game is played over several rounds.

Setup for Oklahoma Gin

Gameplay for Oklahoma Gin

Each normal turn consists of two parts. Note: On the very first turn of each round, the non-dealer decides whether or not to take the first face-up card. If that player declines, the dealer may take the card. If one of the players takes the card, that player completes his turn by discarding and then the other player takes a turn. If both players decline to take the card, the non-dealer starts the game by drawing the top card from the draw pile.


The round ends when a player “knocks.” This may be done on any turn (including the first turn) after drawing but before discarding. A player may knock when he has the ability to form sets, discard one card, and have an appropriate number of points remaining in his hand (see “Setup” above).

Note: A single card cannot belong to two sets.

After knocking and discarding, the player who knocked organizes and spreads all of his cards face-up on the table. The player who did not knock does the same. If the knocker did not go gin (see “Going Gin” below), the opponent is also allowed to lay off any unmatched cards by adding to the knocker’s sets (e.g. adding a fourth card to a group of three of a kind, or adding further consecutive cards of the same suit to a sequence).

Note: You’re never required to knock. You may continue playing in an effort to develop a better hand.

Scoring for Oklahoma Gin

Each player calculates the value of their unmatched cards. If the knocker’s count is lower, he scores the difference between the two counts. If the knocker did not go gin, and the values are equal, or the knocker’s value is greater than his opponent’s, then the knocker has been undercut. The knocker’s opponent scores 10 points plus the difference between the values.

Going Gin

If the knocker has no unmatched cards, it’s known as going gin and he scores 25 bonus points (some sources say the bonus should be 20 points). Additionally, his opponent cannot score any points, even if his opponent also had no unmatched cards.


If only two cards remain in the draw pile after a player discards and neither player has knocked, the round ends in a draw. The same player deals again.

Winning Oklahoma Gin

Additional rounds are played until one player’s cumulative score reaches 100 points or more. That player is the winner.