James Armistead, American patriot Matthew Ashby, American colonist Crispus Attucks, American patriot Joseph Cinqué, slave leader Paul Cuffe, U.S. merchant, seaman, and philanthropist Martin Robinson Delany, American Black leader Frederick Douglass, American abolitionist W. E. B. Dubois, American author and teacher Henry Highland Garnet, American abolitionist clergyman Greenbury Logan, Texan soldier Homer Plessy, challenged segregation on trains Gabriel Prosser, leader of unsuccessful slave revolt Dred Scott, of the Supreme Court Dred Scott case Pierre Toussaint, philanthropist Sojourner Truth, American abolitionist Harriet Tubman, American abolitionist Nat Turner, American slave Gustavus Vassa, abolitionist, writer Denmark Vesey, American leader Phillis Wheatley, American poet The Age of Abolitionism - 42