All of these words include at least four vowels. Though vowel tiles may only be worth one point each—and these words may not be the highest scoring on the board—they will help clear your rack!

Aaliis to Azalea

An “A” tile or two can be your best chance of getting rid of some vowels. This is one of the longest lists you’ll find. Look carefully and you can say “adieux” (13 points, farewell) to those vowels without spending an “aeonic” (8 points, indefinitely long) amount of time on your turn.


Bailee to Bureau

When you need to ditch a plethora of vowels, having a “B” can come in handy. You won’t be saying “boohoo” (11 points, to weep) or have to call the “bookie” (12 points, bookmaker) or “bailie” (8 points, bailiff) to help you out if you know these words!


Caeoma to Curiae

You may be able to “C” some of these words in your rack if you look closely. It’s especially helpful when you’re going “coocoo” (10 points, crazy) or haven’t “cooeed” (9 points, Australian bush call) yet over having so many “O"s in your rack.


Daimio to Doozie

Well, this short list is a “doozie” (16 points, extraordinary)! It may not have the most words, but that “Z” is a score. With the right letters, you can bring a “dautie” (5 points, darling) or a “daimio” (9 points, feudal Japanese baron) in the game.


Easier to Exuvia

An “E” or two will make it far “easier” (6 points, not difficult) to score some points and may even provide a “eureka” (9 points, triumphant discovery) moment! This vowel also offers the opportunity to get rid of some hard (high scoring) letters, like the “X” in “exuvia” (16 points, molted exoskeleton) and the “Z” in “epizoa” (17 points, beings that live on an animal).


Faerie to Foveae

There’s no need to get “flooie” (9 points, off track) with an “F” in your rack. Get rid of those vowels with the help of a “faerie” (9 points, mystical being) or some “faunae” (9 points, plural of fauna) and wrap up the game so you can play “footie” (9 points, British slang for soccer).


Galeae to Guinea

The “goodie” (8 points, particularly pleasurable) bag of words can get “gooier” (7 points, especially sticky) when you have a “G” to work with. You can even take your “goatee” (7 points, small beard) wearing “goalie” (7 points, goalkeeper) to “Guinea” (7 points, West African country) if you like!


Heaume to Hoopoe

Get your “heinie” (9 points, buttocks) in gear! Don’t be a “hoolie” (9 points, hooligan) or spread any “hoodoo” (10 points, voodoo) by clearing those vowels out with the help of an “H”.


Ideate to Iodous

Building off the “iodine” (7 points, nonmetallic element) base, you can wipe out a pair of “I"s and a few other vowels in no time, depending on the consonants you have. That should make the “iguana” (7 points, tropical lizard) pretty happy, don’t you think?


Koodoo to Louies

All those vowels may be turning you a little “kookie” (14 points, crazy). End this game soon so you and your opponent don’t’ end up as “lamiae” (8 points, mythical female demons). It may require a “liaise” (6 points, mutually beneficial working relationship) on everyone’s part.


Mealie to Nausea

Were you blessed with four “U"s? Then it’s time to don your “muumuu” (10 points, Hawaiian dress) to get you out of the “milieu” (8 points, setting) and change your “moirai” (8 points, destiny).


Obelia to Outvie

“O” boy, do you have a lot of options here and they are a lot of fun! Go with a high-scorer like “oozier” (15 points, excessively slimy), “oomiak” (12 points, indigenous boat), or “opaque” (17 points, not transparent). Or, to just clear your rack, opt for obscurity with words like “otiose” (6 points, not useful) and “ourari” (6 points, poisonous resin).


Paleae to Quinoa

The “P” and “Q” tiles are useful for building up points and getting rid of vowels! Get these words “queued” (16 points, to line up) up for your next turn. Most will not be considered a “peewee” (11 points, someone who’s small) on the scoreboard.


Realia to Toupee

These consonants are only one point each, but “R”, “S”, and “T” are easy to get rid of, even for a Scrabble “rookie” (10 points, novice). You might start your gaming “soiree” (6 points, party) in a “teepee” (8 points, Native American tent), for instance. Just don’t forget your “toupee” (8 points, hairpiece)!


Ubique to Uvulae

Among all the vowels, “U” is the most difficult to place at the beginning of a word. But, if you study your pieces long enough you may find “utopia” (8 points, perfect place) in “unique” (15 points, unusual) but not “uveous” (9 points, obsolete) words like “uraeus” (6 points, a sacred asp in ancient Egyptian art).


Veepee to Zouave

Scrabble players know big points can be found at the end of the alphabet! Up your totals with heavy hitters like “zouave” (18 points, a member of the French-Algerian military) and “zaikai” (19 points, Japanese financial community). Or, go for a relative “weenie” (9 points, frankfurter or weakling) like “woolie” (9 points, resembling wool), which still isn’t bad!