Like Mother, Like Daughter Mothers by the Numbers Mother’s Day Quotations Mother’s Day in the United States originated in 1872 with Julia Ward Howe, a writer, abolitionist, and suffragist who wrote the words to “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” In 1911, President Woodrow Wilson made it a national holiday. In 2017, Mother’s Day will be celebrated on May 14.

Especially for Kids

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas    Cards, bookmarks, gift certificates, and moreMothers of InventionMothers who invented fun stuffLike Mother, Like DaughterThese women have followed in their mothers’ footsteps

Special Features

Mothers by the NumbersThere are 82.8 million mothers of all ages in the United StatesMother’s Day QuotationsMemorable quotations to share with MomShowbiz MomsWhen mom’s a movie star, the kids are likely to followWomen’s History FeaturesNotable women in business, education, the arts, and more

Fun Stuff

Quiz: Mother’s DayIn Greek mythology, who is the Goddess of the Earth and the mother of Cyclopes, the Hundred-handed Ones, and the Titans?