READ ALSO: Make list of all files in a folder using MS DOS commands Yesterday, I needed to make a list of all the files present in a folder except a couple of files. If you also need to accomplish a similar task, you can use the following piece of Perl code: Save this code in a file, let’s say, Now you can run this Perl script while giving the path of the directory as first parameter. perl “c:\project” First line of the code will extract the first parameter and store it in the $directory variable. The second line tries to open the provided directory. Third line reads the content of opened directory into an array @flist. Fourth line in this Perl code closes the directory. And then a for loop lists the content of @flist array. I hope it was useful for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.