A huge reason for Telegram’s popularity is because of the advanced functionality of the app. The app provides some really cool features which you may not find in other messaging apps and with each update Telegram looks to improve the app with better features. You may be thinking to update Telegram after hearing all the new cool features that are in the newer versions. You do not have to wait any longer as we have put together this article to teach you exactly how to update Telegram. Just scroll down below and follow along to the steps and you will be good to go.

How to Update Telegram?

How to Update Telegram on Desktop?

1. Open Telegram on your computer & tap on the Three Horizontal Lines.

2. Click on the ‘Settings‘

 3. Click on ‘Advanced‘ option.

4.Scroll down to Version & Updates & click on ‘Check for Updates‘

5. Your new update will then be installed automatically.

How to Update Telegram on iPhone?

1. Open App Store & tap on the Updates Tab.

2. Scroll down to Telegram & tap on ‘Update‘.

How to Update Telegram on Android?

1. Open Play Store.

2. Click on the ‘Manage apps and device’.

3. Tap on ‘Updates available’.

4. Find Telegram & tap on ‘Update‘.

You can also update Telegram by using the search tab of the Playstore. For this, follow these steps:

1. Go to Play Store.

2. Tap on the search bar and type Telegram.

3. Go to Telegram and click on the ‘Update‘ option.

Enable Auto-Update for Telegram

You can also enable the auto-update option for Telegram. After this, you don’t need to take the trouble of updating Telegram manually every time. To do this, simply go to the play store and search for Telegram. Once you open the app, click on the triple dot icon on the top right and check to mark the ‘Enable auto update’ option. Thus, an auto-update for Telegram will be enabled and you don’t need to browse through the updates again.

Why Should I Update Telegram?

There are many benefits of updating Telegram if a new update is available. First of all, you will get some new useful features that you will not find in the older versions. You will also get better safety on the app as Telegram is always working on making sure its users are protected. The app will also become faster after you update it and also more stable. So you should definitely update Telegram if you haven’t already!

Why Isn’t My Telegram Updating?

You may be having issues updating Telegram for various reasons. You need to make sure that your phone/computer has the latest updates. You also need to make sure that you have good cellular service if you are using it or good WiFi so that there will not be any problems downloading the update.

Why Can’t I Update Telegram?

You may be unable to update Telegram as there may be no recent updates from the app. If that is not the case then you should check if you have the latest version of Telegram downloaded. If not you should download the latest version and then check for the new updates.


Telegram is a fantastic messaging app with really awesome features. With each update, Telegram looks to bring more features to enhance the user experience and make the app even better. Hearing about the updates might make you want to update Telegram too. If you are confused about how to do so, you can follow the steps that are mentioned above in this article. Make sure to follow along with every step mentioned carefully on your preferred device. That is it for this article. We hope that we were able to help you in one way or the other. If you have any questions or queries then please feel free to leave them down below. We will try to answer them as soon as possible so do not hesitate to ask anything related to the topic. Related Article: How to Reset Telegram Password Without Email?


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