Practice Cutting Paper Snowflakes

Practice making paper snowflakes before you cut snowflakes from fabric. Regular printer paper works nicely, but newsprint and other lighter papers are easier to cut once they are folded into layers.

Inexpensive, unprinted tablets of newsprint are available at discount stores and stores that sell school supplies.You can use old newspapers, too, if you don’t mind getting your hands a bit dirty.Work with an even lighter material by cutting snowflakes from tissue paper.Gift wrap paper can be used to cut snowflakes, but it is not as durable.

Cut Six-Sided Fabric Snowflakes

It can be tedious to make intricate cuts through many layers of fabric, and you’ll discover that fabric doesn’t fold as crisply as paper. Cotton quilting fabrics work nicely but reduce stress to your hands by using sharp scissors that cut all the way to their tips. Blunt-edged scissors are a good choice for young children who are cutting paper snowflakes.

How to Fold and Cut Six-Sided Snowflakes

Fold Paper and Cut the Snowflakes

Use the illustration as a guide to fold and cut paper snowflakes. Numbers on the illustration match the numbers in steps below.

A Few Ways to Use Fabric Snowflakes

Glue beads, glitter or other embellishments onto the snowflakes. Spritz the snowflakes with several layers of starch to stiffen the fabric. Punch a small hole in the top of snowflakes and hang as holiday decor. Use spray adhesive or another method to apply snowflakes to a larger piece of cloth. Embellish in any way you like. Use small snowflakes as embellishments when you make fabric postcards. Applique snowflakes onto any project. Begin with shapes that aren’t intricate if you plan to use needle turn applique methods. Try fusible web applique for snowflakes with more detail.