Here’s what you’ll need for this DIY:

Three skeins of yarn in different colorsOne 48-inch wooden dowelScissorsPainter’s tape

Step Two: Cut Yarn

Cut several pieces of yarn into shorter strips using scissors. The goal is to get the yarn lengths to roughly match, but they don’t have to be exact (you’ll trim them later). Whether or not you measure them is up to you. In general, you want the length of the yarn to be twice as long as the length of the finished wall hanging because each piece will be halved when attached to the dowel. The length of each yarn piece for this wall hanging was about four feet. Use your wingspan as a form of measurement when cutting if needed. Cut several pieces from all three colors and set them aside. The look of this wall hanging called for significantly more white pieces than yellow or brown. Keep the color scheme in mind when cutting your yarn pieces.

Step Three: Hang the Dowel

First things first—this soon-to-be wall hanging needs to be hung. Use a piece of white yarn (or opt for another color that matches your wall). With scissors, cut the yarn about to a length of about 55 inches, or a few inches longer than the dowel you use.Tie the yarn in a tight knot on each end of your dowel. This will set the outer boundaries of your wall hanging. Then, hang this piece of yarn on a tack or nail on your wall. Avoid making extra nail holes by figuring out just where you want your wall hanging to be displayed.Hanging the dowel before tying the hanging yarn onto your wall hanging makes the process easy and straightforward.

Step Four: Tie Yarn

Before tying a piece of yarn onto your dowel, fold it in half. Loop the middle section around the dowel to create a circle and pull the ends of the yarn through it. This simple knot is called a lark knot. The lark knot is strong and secure, so there’s no need to pull it too tight. That will depend on how you want it to look. If you’d like to add even more yarn pieces to your wall hanging to make it dense, tying the knots tight will give you more room. If you’re on the less-is-more side of decor, keep the knots loose to give it a full look. Completing this step allows you to take a step back and get a good look at your hanging as you go. That means you can easily make changes and decide what color yarn to tie next. Begin by tying several white pieces of yarn to the dowel, gradually adding a few yellow and brown strands here and there. In the middle, stick only to the darker colors, fading back to white on the other end of the wall hanging. If it doesn’t look quite right, you can edit it later. Just insert any color tied piece of yarn where it’s needed once you’ve finished.While the middle of the hanging can be a little more random, the ends should be symmetrical. Start with 10 strands of white on both ends. Then, the middle portion of your wall hanging can be less symmetrical and more random. As with most DIY projects, the final product is up to you. But feel free to follow the design used in this tutorial as a guide.

Step Five: Add Tape to the Wall

It’s important to only use painter’s tape for this step as it won’t leave a sticky residue on your wall. You can find it at any home improvement or craft retailer. But don’t forget to check the junk drawer first!Stick two pieces of tape on the wall underneath the wall hanging in a chevron shape. Place them about two feet below the dowel—the desired length of the hanging. These lines will effectively be your guide when trimming your yarn to create a trendy angled wall hanging.After you’ve added tape to the wall, take a step back and give your DIY a once-over. Make sure your lines are at matching angles and have the general V-shaped silhouette. You’ll also want to make sure the point of the chevron is centered with the center of the dowel hanging above it.

Step Six: Trim Your Yarn

With the painter’s tape as a guide, use your scissors to trim your hanging yarn. Being absolutely precise isn’t necessary, but make sure to cut in a downward fashion to minimize excess fraying. The end result will be a nice angled shape. If your yarn is a bit wrinkled from being wrapped in a ball, you can iron it to make sure its length matches the others.

Step Seven: Voila! Ready For Display

Remove the blue tape from the wall and you’re finished! Of course, you can keep trimming the yarn after you remove the tape to make sure things look aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. Once it looks perfect, show it off. Your gushing house guests won’t believe this expensive-looking wall hanging is a simple and budget-friendly DIY.