For example, if you have a photo on your computer -you can find similar images using Google Image Search! Check it out:
Go to Google Images Search ( Drag and drop an image from your computer onto the Google Images Search page. Or you can simply upload the picture by clicking on the camera icon given in the search box. Google will upload your image into its database It will then analyze your image and search for the similar images In search results you’ll get a list of images that Google thinks are similar to the image provides by you
ALSO READ: Find location of taking a photograph using Google Image Search Remember, this search is done by analyzing the provided image –it is not a search based on the name of the image. To test it, from Google Images, I downloaded a photograph showing a camel. I renamed the photo as “royal Bengal tiger” and then followed the above steps to find similar images. And guess what! I failed to confuse Google and it found me lots of images of camel! This is how you can also find similar images using Google Image Search. Please let me know if you have any questions about this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.