Well, TechWelkin is now about two years old. But the journey of my tech blog began way back in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, I did not take this blog seriously and it was just a sort of notepad for me typing my new learning in programming and database fields. I used to run the parent blog of TechWelkin as a free blog on WordPress.com and its name was CTBits (short for Computer Technology Bits)… indeed it was just a collection of bits and pieces which perhaps, only I could make sense of! In the year 2011, I decided to take tech writing seriously and started TechWelkin. From CTBits, I took about 20 posts, rewrote them and this matter was posted on TechWelkin. Then I closed down CTBits. Since then, it has been TechWelkin all the way. For me past two years have been that of a great learning in the domain of blogging. I researched, thought, conceptualized, wrote and learnt a lot. A real lot! Learning, as it was, involved both ups and downs. There have been times when I felt disheartened. Despite of my best efforts, things simply refused to move in the direction I aimed for. Like in every other field, there come times when no matter what you do –nothing works! You want traffic to increase –it wont budge… you want to make that little CSS change –that will stubbornly not work. So on and so forth. I have also faced such times. If you’re a blogger and you’re also facing such problems –take my advice and don’t give up. Sooner or later situation will begin to look up. Success is just round the corner and you would not want to admit defeat just before turning that one corner. All in all, last two years have been great for me in the world of blogging. Now, I know enough that I can tell you what works and what does not. I am beginning the year 2014 on a positive note with a set of new goals and clear strategy on how I am going to achieve these goals. This series on “Blogging Tips” is going to document all that I have learnt. Stay with me and don’t miss even a single post –because you never know what important knowledge might be lost!

Blog Success Tip 1  Share What You Learn - 87